Office Address

Unit 17, Walworth Enterprise Centre, Duke Close West Way, Andover, SP10 5AP

Phone Number

0126 440 0749

Email Address

Live-in care

About Live in supported care Live-in care is a popular alternative to residential care where a care assistant stays with you in your home, offering support as needed. The goal of live-in care services is to empower you to live independently, offering tailored support and encouragement, Unlike other types


Running Errands

About Running errands Yourcare Support can provide and assist with errands and shopping in a number of ways. Our Carers can help with planning and organising the shopping list, accompany the individual to the shop, and assist with carrying and loading shopping and other purchases. Yourcare Support can also


Community Access

About Community Access Help with getting out & about. Our support workers are able to take clients out to wherever they wish to go. It could be an appointment at the hospital or hairdressers, out to lunch, to the theatre, church or to the shops. Having a support worker


Household Chores

About Household Chores If you find that you are needing a little extra help around the house, our support workers can helpyou with a wide range of everyday tasks. We are able to assist with ironing, laundry, changing and making beds, vacuuming, dusting, taking the bins out and so


Pet Care

About Pet care Pets are important to people who need domiciliary care and support. They provide companionship, unconditional love and help focus the mind. Caring for a pet provides purpose, a routine and consistency to many people’s lives. Individuals may find the prospect of caring for their beloved pet


Personal Care

About Personal care If you need assistance with personal care then we are able to help you. Our support workers can help with personal care in many ways, from simply being there to provide reassurance whilst you get in and out of the shower or bath, through to supporting



Our Companionship Having a support worker come to your home can provide more than just assistance alone, it can provide companionship, friendship and real peace of mind. Many clients choose to use our home care services for companionship and greatly enjoy the time spent with our support workers and


Meal Preparation

About Meal Preparation Carers / Support workers can prepare all types of meals for our clients. This may be simply heating a ready meal and cooking some vegetables to accompany it or cooking a full meal depending on the visit time available. We can liaise with clients and families



About Medication We can support clients with taking their medication correctly by administering it to them. We can administer medication from original boxes or from multi-dosage systems which have been pre-packed by the pharmacy. We can also administer medication as creams, via inhalers, nebulisers or in the form of
